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Transcript of Episode
Welcome to the “Success is a Choice” podcast. In fact, welcome to the first-ever episode of the “Success is a Choice” podcast. We are very excited that this has become a reality. The goal of the podcast is to help you maximize your potential for success. Each week we will have some top-notch guests from all walks of life. We’ll have an actor one episode. We’ll have people worth hundreds of millions of dollars. We’ll have professional sports personalities. We’ll have educators. We’ll have people that you have heard of and people that might be new to you. However, the one thing each episode and each guest will have in common is the desire to add value to you, the listener.
We don’t pay our guests but they generously donate their time to share their stories, experiences, and insights. For many of our guests, time is money and by being on our show, they may be losing out on potential business dealings. But this is okay with them because somebody gave them advice or took an interest in them earlier in their careers. You might not be that interested in sports but you might get some great ideas from our guests in the sports industry. You might be an educator but your mind will start percolating and the creative juices might start flowing as you listen to singers or motivational speakers talk about how they inspire and engage their audience.
Each episode will last about 30 minutes. This will fit into your work commute, your stationary bike workout, or your next visit to the doctor’s office when you have to wait in the lobby well past your scheduled appointment. Each episode will have some links and show notes. If you can’t access them right through the media that you are using to listen to the podcast, then please visit www.SuccessIsAChoicePodcast. We also encourage you to subscribe to this podcast on the channel that you use whether it be iTunes, Stitcher, SoundCloud, Google Play, or the TuneIn radio app.
Thinking of a name for the podcast was one of the easiest things that I have ever done. “Success is a Choice” is a phrase that I have used with every team that I have ever been the head coach of.
Oftentimes, people say that they had no choice to explain why they do something. You always have a choice. The author and speaker, Charles Swindoll, is the person credited with saying that life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to the things that happen to you. Success may not be as quick as you would like but doing things right and making the right choices and decisions will almost always lead to success. Of course, the definition of success is not always the same for each person so it is important to define what success is to you. His daily habits have allowed him to experience long-term success. Each of us has a choice in everything we do in life. No matter what happens to us, we get the opportunity to choose how we respond.
Your actions and behaviors are your choices. If you choose to do things that have a positive effect on your future then you’ll be closer to being successful. Unfortunately, the converse to this statement is also true. Failure is a choice, as well.
Who we are today is a result of our daily choices from yesterday. Who we’ll be tomorrow is because of those things that we do today. We choose our habits and our habits determine our success or failure. Are the choices that we make today in line with our dreams, goals, and desires of tomorrow? As Robert Collier once said, ‘Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out.”
Once again, thanks for listening to this episode. If you enjoyed this podcast then guess what? They only get better from here because you’ll be listening to big-time people and not just me! If you didn’t like this podcast, then just remember that you won’t have to listen to me talk so much on the next episode. You’ll get to hear a great guest. Our first guest is Dwane Casey the all-time winningest coach for the Toronto Raptors of the NBA. If you did enjoy the podcast, I would be grateful if you could rate it in iTunes and leave a one or two sentence review. This will increase the likelihood of the podcast getting noticed by other people like you that desire to be successful and maximize their potential. Thanks again and remember that success is a choice. What choice will you make today?
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Thanks again for listening and remember that “Success is a choice. What choice will you make today?”