J.P. Nerbun is the founder of Thrive On Challenge, host of the “Coaching Culture” podcast, and author of Calling Up: Discovering Your Journey to Transformational Leadership. He was also a college basketball player, winning the NIT Championship when he was a member of the University of South Carolina Gamecocks.
Click here for J.P.’s complete bio
- Dealing with “uncoachable” players
- Focusing on the process even though you get fired if you lose
- What transformational coaching means
- How to build a strong culture
- Rules and punishment for your team
- … and so much more!!!
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Resources, Books, and Links
Twitter: @JpNerbun
Website: ThriveOnChallenge.com
Linkedin: Linkedin.com/in/jpnerbun
Email: jpnerbun@thriveonchallenge.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/thriveonchallengeLLC
CALLING UP: Discovering Your Journey Toward Transformational Leadership by J.P. Nerbun
Click here for the Coaching Culture Podcast
Download “5 Ways Any Coach Can Change Their Culture”
“How I Stopped Dealing with Parents” by Nate Sanderson
Listen to when Jamy Bechler went on J.P.’s “Coaching Culture” podcast
Articles of Interest . . .
- The conversations i want to have with parents
- The line between trauma and stress how to know when to pull your kid off the team
- How to never have a bad practice
- How coaches kill player motivation
- How rules avoid the real issues
Past “Success is a Choice” podcast episodes of interest . . .
- Adrian Griffin (Toronto Raptors assistant coach) – Episode 141
- Adam Gordon (Rising Coaches CEO) – Episode 139
- Mike Lombardi (former NFL General Manager) – Episode 138
- Kevin Eastman (former NBA coach & executive) – Episode 121
- Dan Hughes (WNBA Coach of the Year) – Episode 120
- Jon Gordon (author of “The Energy Bus) – Episode 100
- Dwane Casey (2018 NBA Coach of the Year) – Episode 001
J.P. Nerbun in Action
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